January-February 2020 Newsletter
Learn how to properly dispose of sharps and get a refresher on how to sign up for our enewsletter.
November-December 2019 Newsletter
Find updates on holiday collection schedules, when 2020 calendars will be available online, and get a refresher on where you should be placing your totes curbside.
September-October 2019 Newsletter
Learn how to sign up for our enewsletter and get a refresher on what you can and cannot put in your yard debris cart.
July-August 2019 Newsletter
Learn about safe tote placement and get a refresher on what you can recycle curbside.
May-June 2019 Newsletter
We offer a lot of extra services you may not be aware of such as bulky item collection, extra recycling or yard debris carts, and more.
March-April 2019 Newsletter
Spring is near and so is yard work. In this newsletter you can read about what can be included in your yard debris cart and what plastics can be recycled curbside.
January-February 2019 Newsletter
It is better for the overall recycling system to err on the side of caution. If you’re not 100% sure if an item is recyclable, it should not be included. Check out this newsletter for information on recycling!
November-December 2018 Newsletter
Double check your holiday collection schedule, find out when your 2019 calendars will be online, and read about how to dispose of extra garbage, yard debris, and recycling.
September-October 2018 Newsletter
Tips on recycling your glass and motor oil.
July-August 2018 Newsletter
Plastic items may have the recycling symbol on them but that doesn't mean the item is recyclable curbside. The number inside the chasing arrows (pictured below) does not designate whether or not it is recyclable curbside, it only designates what type of plastic the item is made from.