
Newsletters | May 1, 2018

March-April 2018 Newsletter

You may have seen news about the National Sword recycling regulations in China, where many of your curbside recyclables are sent for recycling. These changes have had a large impact on recycling in Oregon and quality is more important now than ever as the brokers are being restricted to only 0.5% contamination by the buyers.

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Newsletters | Jan 1, 2018

November-December 2017 Newsletter

The only holidays that our drivers do not work are Christmas Day and New Years Day. During those weeks, when the holiday falls on a weekday, pick up will be delayed from the holiday through the end of the week. Please see below for info on pick up schedules for the Christmas and New Years holidays this year.

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Newsletters | Nov 1, 2017

September-October 2017 Newsletter

If you have extra cardboard from a recent move or purchase and it does not fit in your recycling cart, you have a couple of options for recycling it:

1) Place it curbside next to your recycling cart on your recycling day. It needs to be flattened and cut into pieces no larger than 3'x3' (so it will fit in the truck). If you have a large amount of extra cardboard that you’re putting out curbside, we would appreciate if you could let us know in advance.

2) Bring it to our recycling depot in Sherwood. It needs to be flattened and cut into pieces no larger than 5'x5'. Our depot is open Monday through Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm.

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