May - June 2023 Newsletter
Get a refresher on battery and motor oil recycling, and learn about our Recycle+ program.
March - April 2023 Newsletter
Get a refresher on tote placement, and learn about composting your food scraps in your yard debris cart.
January - February 2023 Newsletter
Learn more about our split-body trucks and our new Recycle+ program! Also, how to sign up for our e-newsletter.
November - December 2022 Newsletter
Find updates on the holiday collection schedules, when 2023 calendars will be available online, and learn more about Recycle+.
September - October 2022 Newsletter
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! Find out how reducing and reusing are more impactful than recycling, and learn more about our Recycle+ program. Also, if you haven't signed up for our e-newsletter yet, it's a great way to stay up to date on important information.
July - August 2022 Newsletter
We are now accepting #1 PET clamshell plastics and film plastics at our depot! Also, get a refresher on how to recycle right.
May - June 2022 Newsletter
Learn how to recycle your batteries curbside and find out about our new Recycle+ program starting July 1st!
March - April 2022 Newsletter
Find out what the most common contaminants are, in curbside recycling and yard debris carts. Also, get a refresher on how to request clean carts.
January - February 2022 Newsletter
Check out the extra services we offer, our new recycling depot hours, and learn about the new legislation that will overhaul Oregon's recycling system.
November-December 2021 Newsletter
Find updates on holiday collection schedules, when 2022 calendars will be available online, and how to sign up for our e-newsletter.