Construction & Demolition Services
Pride Disposal & Recycling offers a full line of drop boxes and temporary containers ideal for construction and remodeling projects, roof repairs, landscape projects, cleanup projects, and more. Temporary containers are available in 3-yard and 4-yard sizes. Drop boxes are available in 10-yard, 20-yard, 30-yard, and 40-yard sizes. 10-yard boxes are only for heavy materials such as dirt, concrete, sod, and gravel.

We can provide data that will assist in LEED certification for construction projects. Services can be scheduled in advance or on an as-needed basis. To ensure timely service, please contact us to order or schedule a drop box at least one business day in advance of the expected service.
Know Before You Order
If you are disposing of any of the following materials, you must obtain an asbestos survey before ordering your drop box or container. Find a list of labs that perform this testing here. Drop boxes specifically for asbestos abatement are available. Contact our office for more information.
Potential Asbestos Containing Materials
- Ceiling and walls: acoustic tiles, plaster, “popcorn” texture
- Flooring: vinyl tiles (9” x 9”, 12” x 12”) and sheet vinyl
- Insulation/fireproofing: spray-applied, vermiculite, monokote, thermal system insulation (TSI), block, boiler and spray-applied sink undercoating
- Exterior walls: cement siding shingles (Transite/CAB)
- Heating: white TSI paper that is complete wrap or seam tape on ducting, air-duct cement and insulation
- Fire doors, fire/kiln brick, and fireproofing
- Surface materials for interior wall and ceiling systems: textured surfacing material that covers the entire surface of the wall and/or ceiling system (such as trowel-applied and skim or brown coats)
- Stucco
- Gaskets: furnace, mechanical (not automotive), boiler, and wood stove
- Roofing materials: tar paper, felt, silver/white roofing paint, Nicolite paper (white paper used under cedar shingles and parapet metal siding)
- Various compounds: window glazing, adhesives, caulks, patching, mastics, and vapor barrier products (plastic or polyethylene synthetic materials such as Tyvek housewrap are exempt from testing)
- Electrical: switchgear, circuit boxes, and fuse panels from industrial applications and some residential applications, wiring with cloth insulation (wiring commonly referred to as “Romex” is exempt)
All orders require a prepayment, which will go towards the cost of the drop box or container.
Drop boxes and containers can be placed on the street or in your parking lot. All containers must be placed on a solid surface (such as pavement or gravel); we will not place drop boxes or containers in dirt or grass. Once the container is placed by a Pride driver, do not move it.
When ordering the drop box or container, please specify what you will be putting in it, as your materials will determine the price of disposal. Loads of source-separated recyclables may qualify for reduced costs or rebates. Do not overload your drop box or container. Contents must be “water level” with the top for safe transport.