Service Updates | Sep 14, 2020

Service Alert Update for Monday 9/14 customers

Tuesday customers click here.

Wednesday customers click here.

Thursday-Friday customers click here.

Due to the wildfires and the ongoing unhealthy air quality, we will not be running Monday routes at all this week. We had hoped to run 1 day behind on 9/15, but air quality was still too poor to do so.

Monday customers: When we fall more than 1 day behind in a week, we are unable to catch up.

  • Garbage: You will be allowed extras in bags (equal to your service level) next to your cart at no additional charge on Monday, 9/21.
  • Recycling/Glass: If 9/14 is a recycling day for your home, we will pick up extras on your next recycling day (9/28) at no charge. You can place it in a cardboard box, paper bag, or rigid plastic container like a laundry basket, they cannot be in plastic bags.
    • If 9/14 was not a recycling day for your home, we will be there as scheduled on 9/21.
  • Yard debris: If 9/14 is a yard debris day for your home, we will pick up extras (equal to your service level) on your next yard debris day (9/28) at no charge. You can place the extras in paper lawn bags or a personal tote, they cannot be in plastic bags.
    • If 9/14 was not a yard debris day for your home, we will be there as scheduled on 9/21.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. The health and safety of our employees is our first priority and it is our goal to limit their exposure to the unhealthy air quality that our region is currently experiencing.

The recycling depot will remained closed until Thursday, 9/17 at the earliest. Contact us before coming to the depot to ensure it is open.

If you have any questions please contact us.