What do the recycle numbers mean?
Plastic items may have the recycling symbol on them but that does not mean the item is recyclable curbside. The number inside the chasing arrows (pictured below) does not designate whether it is recyclable curbside, it only designates what type of plastic the item is made from.

Plastics acceptable in curbside recycling include only the following:
- Plastic bottles, with the neck/opening smaller than the base
- Plastic tubs, 6 oz. or larger
- Milk Jugs
- Rigid nursery plant pots, 4” or larger
- Buckets, 5 gallons, or less
Do you have #6 plastics or styrofoam?
We are now accepting all clean #6 plastics (including styrofoam) at our depot in Sherwood. There is a charge of $5 per car load. This material is not recyclable curbside.
Save yourself time when you get here by pre-sorting styrofoam from other #6 plastics as they will need to be separated when they are dropped off. #6 plastics can be items such as cold coffee cups, plastic trays, and more. Check the number inside of the chasing arrows, if it's a 6 and it’s clean, bring it to us!
#6 plastics and styrofoam are NOT recyclable curbside