Office reopens to the public on Wednesday, 3/23.
Effective Wednesday, 3/23, our office will reopen to the public. We are asking that you please consider visiting our office in-person only if necessary. We will continue to take debit/credit card payments out at our recycling depot. Our office employees are available via phone and electronic communications to take payments or handle any other customer service needs. We also have a payment box located in front of our gate that is checked twice per day should you need to drop off a payment. At this time, masks will not be required on site.
Reminder, our depot is currently open from 8am - noon and 1pm to 4:30pm Monday through Friday. Our office staff will not be able to assist you in the depot from noon to 1pm, you will need to plan your visit during normal depot hours.
This is subject to change and we encourage you to visit our website in advance of any visits to review current policies.