2020 Holiday Drive
Every November, Pride Disposal & Recycling Company holds an annual holiday drive where we collect donations for a local organization. This year we have chosen the Good Neighbor Center in Tigard as the recipient. Good Neighbor Center is a homeless shelter for families with children, providing safe emergency housing with supportive empowering services for families. Good Neighbor Center is a 36 bed facility that serves up to 9 families at a time. There is space so each family has a private room where they can live for up to six weeks. Families are provided three meals a day during their stay. They offer a Housing Stabilization Program, which provides rental assistance and case management to eligible families staying at the Good Neighbor Center. They also have a children's program that runs four days a week and serves all the school-age children staying in the shelter. The Good Neighbor Center has over 1400 volunteers that cook, babysit, do service projects and serve as overnight hosts. The volunteer model saves them over $80,000 a year and 3 staff positions!
Due to COVID-19, all items must be brand new. No used items will be accepted.
The current needs of the Good Neighbor Center are:
- Twin sized sheets
- Full sized sheets
- Pillows
- Blankets
- Trash bags (large heavy duty size)
- Gloves (large and x-large)
- Kids winter weather clothing of all sizes and styles
- Women's underwear (small, medium, large and x-large)
- Twin and full size bed bug covers
- Lysol wipes
- Cleaning supplies (bleach, bathroom and kitchen cleaners) no hand or dish soap

We are graciously accepting any donation big or small. If any of our customers would like to participate, you may bring your donation items to our office located at 13980 SW Tualatin Sherwood Rd during the month of November. Thank you for helping us make this a successful holiday drive this year!